
So you’ve decided to join us…….

Membership is open to people over the age of 12 years.

Membership  includes Australian Dragon Boat Federation (AUSDBF) and Dragon Boats NSW (DBNSW) insurances, membership fees for CCDBC,  instruction by qualified coaches at training sessions and access to Team App (for training session times and other club information).

2024/25 Membership fees are:


Adult: $250 pa

Junior: $142 pa

Young adult: $220 pa

Coastbusters members: $230 pa

All club and DBNSW membership payments must be completed electronically via the revolutioniseSPORT system. Membership fees are reviewed annual and are subject to change.

In addition to your annual membership costs you may also incur other costs if you decide to participate in regattas.

These could include:

    • Approximately $41 entry fees per regatta (cost vary for Luna New Year at Darling Harbour, State and National championships)
    • Uniforms – costs vary dependent on the items purchased.
    • Travel and accommodation expenses if travelling to regattas

To join the Central Coast Dragon Boat Club contact OR talk with our Membership Registrar at a training session who will guide you through the process.